It's amazing how an old reel of film can reveal
a cornucopia of alien involvement in our daily lives.
This is a photo of the actual reel
purchased on Ebay by a famous Hollywood Producer/Director
"Woody Johnson". A non-disclosure agreement prevents us from revealing
his true identity.
Woody's attempt to find the seller led to disconnected phones,
a disappearing house, and ultimately, a dead end.
So Woody turned to his long time friend, Dick Hedley, and the WW2K
investigative staff for help. Nobody we contacted in the film industry recalled
ever seeing an alien in a silent movie.
Physical and chemical analysis by Paramount Films and Kodak Laboratories
forensic experts indicated the film was manufactured in 1925 and processed no later
than 1927.
We then turned it over to graphic experts at Industrial Light & Magic.
Their conclusion was shocking. Based on their historical knowledge
of film technology and crop reports there were only two possibilities:
1) The producers somehow got ahold of alien technology or a supercomputer
(in the 1920's!?!) to produce special effects seen in the movie,
or 2) The movie depicts actual events of the time,
and is the earliest photographic proof of an alien presence among us.
Both are intriguing. And they both indicate the traditional
media have been lax in their coverage of an alien
invasion which may threaten us all.